Labwork, Urine Testing
Urine Testing
By Dr. Karen Burgess
What is a urinalysis?
A complete urinalysis is made up of chemical (commonly called a dipstick) and microscopic or sediment examination. The dipstick portion looks for the presence of red and white blood cells, glucose, ketones, protein and bilirubin in the urine. It also quantifies the concentration and acidity of the urine. The sediment portion of a urinalysis involves physically looking at a sample under the microscope in search of red blood cells, white blood cells, crystals, bacteria, and abnormal kidney or bladder cells. The urine is one of the first ways that kidney disease can be identified in pets. If a bacterial infection is suspected a culture and sensitivity (C&S) may also be performed to identify specific bacteria and the appropriate antibiotic choice for treatment.
A complete urinalysis is made up of chemical (commonly called a dipstick) and microscopic or sediment examination. The dipstick portion looks for the presence of red and white blood cells, glucose, ketones, protein and bilirubin in the urine. It also quantifies the concentration and acidity of the urine. The sediment portion of a urinalysis involves physically looking at a sample under the microscope in search of red blood cells, white blood cells, crystals, bacteria, and abnormal kidney or bladder cells. The urine is one of the first ways that kidney disease can be identified in pets. If a bacterial infection is suspected a culture and sensitivity (C&S) may also be performed to identify specific bacteria and the appropriate antibiotic choice for treatment.